Friday, June 25, 2004

This is so freakin' funny.... from wired newsfeed...

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2004-06-22 02:46:36 PM sdw3u


H'o'w ab'o'ut this

2004-06-22 02:55:42 PM PPL_Wannabe


2004-06-22 03:14:35 PM JP Patches

2004-06-22 03:39:41 PM h2ogate

2004-06-22 03:55:23 PM Coryct

2004-06-22 04:01:22 PM rtreynor


2004-06-22 04:02:33 PM Yammering_Splat_Vector

2004-06-22 04:05:26 PM sdw3u

Click image for original (pops).

2004-06-22 04:06:37 PM Kiribub

2004-06-22 04:14:09 PM Peteykins

Splat_Vector: That resulted in a "what are you laughing at?" moment in my office. :)

2004-06-22 04:21:56 PM bushtit


2004-06-22 04:34:19 PM crazy_homeless_guy

/definetly not the highest quality

2004-06-22 04:36:36 PM Creepy_Monkey

2004-06-22 04:59:39 PM bargirl24

2004-06-22 05:00:13 PM Stuv

2004-06-22 06:43:59 PM SpiffyandRedhot


2004-06-22 07:16:36 PM Cosmic_Music

sdw3u, SpiffyandRedhot

beautiful, both.

2004-06-22 08:45:03 PM prufrock2

2004-06-22 09:52:35 PM HempKnight

2004-06-22 10:34:14 PM JoePhila1

2004-06-22 10:53:41 PM bargirl24

Thanks PPL_Wannabe

2004-06-22 11:12:15 PM TigerLily

2004-06-22 11:31:57 PM mccaffry

And now for something not completely different...
George Bush's Lying Circus...

2004-06-23 12:14:14 AM JangoFett

2004-06-23 03:27:02 AM chtorran

2004-06-23 12:57:38 PM PurityControl

2004-06-23 05:12:52 PM Campaigner444

2004-06-24 02:47:07 AM DocBubonic

2004-06-24 12:53:41 PM TigerLily


2004-06-24 02:25:46 PM JangoFett

Most excellent, DocBubonic! I always liked that evil toupee monster.

2004-06-24 02:34:52 PM Pioner

2004-06-25 01:51:59 AM DocBubonic

JangoFett Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. I enjoy using the Helltoupee in Pses.

2004-06-25 03:33:29 AM BobTheDemonOtter

CreepyMonkey: Ha!

2004-06-25 12:58:45 PM wakitu

Nice, prufrock; like the signage change.

2004-06-25 01:27:53 PM inthe80s

I never win when I play these things

2004-06-25 05:25:31 PM the invisible kid


2004-06-25 05:37:27 PM the invisible kid

Shoot. My sign reads "New Babel Grand Opening"

(props to GZT for inspiration!)

2004-06-25 05:54:31 PM TigerSpirit

Points for the invisible kid for using biblical reference.

2004-06-25 05:55:01 PM Officer Garcia

Great job, profrock2. I want to post your picture on the door of the "church" that recently bought the Houston Rockets' old arena.

2004-06-25 05:55:45 PM millera9

Very nicely done everyone!

Y_S_V The McChurch sign made coworkers stare at me and wonder what was so funny about the Document Change Request form I'm supposed to be looking at. 1 vote!

/looks for new job

2004-06-25 05:55:50 PM neebop

HempKnight I give you props.

2004-06-25 06:02:19 PM the invisible kid

TigerSpirit: So did prufrock (but thanks nonetheless!).

2004-06-25 06:05:03 PM suffra

and a female makes the Monty Python refference,
wifey material you are,
and you got my vote

2004-06-25 06:09:00 PM zjspeed

Vote now

2004-06-25 06:15:03 PM neebop

2004-06-25 06:15:30 PM danflurry

/subtle. check filename if needed.

2004-06-25 06:17:28 PM danflurry


2004-06-25 06:20:51 PM Soni

2004-06-25 06:22:07 PM The Mad Fishmonger


2004-06-25 06:23:52 PM Fasterfester

2004-06-25 06:25:04 PM pdeckard

2004-06-25 06:28:49 PM 44andConservative

Pretty Clever Prufrock!

Matthew 19:24

and again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to enter a needle`s eye than a rich man into the kingdom of God.

2004-06-25 06:29:55 PM damonius

/i suck, but ok.

credit to ppl wannabee.

2004-06-25 06:30:39 PM cvd

2004-06-25 06:32:36 PM jgm1976

"Nobody steps on a church in my town!"

2004-06-25 06:32:50 PM danflurry

find waldo.

2004-06-25 06:37:45 PM Joelius Caeser

/One ticket please

2004-06-25 06:39:34 PM RockIsDead

2004-06-25 06:44:25 PM Slothboy

'Why is it so heavy?' Oliver asked.

Ouimette said, 'Because it's a rock.'

I can no longer laugh at people who forget to enable voting. Mods, please delete my b00bie.

2004-06-25 06:45:49 PM blatant1


2004-06-25 06:46:09 PM the invisible kid

Thanks danflurry!

(p.s. I found Waldo.)

2004-06-25 06:53:28 PM danflurry

/last one. crappy source pic ppl. congrats to those who actually made something out of it.

2004-06-25 06:59:47 PM daevczen

This is the Frauenkirche in Dresden, where I reside.
In the seven years war, this protestant church built in the time of August the Strong's son, withstood multiple canonball shots to the dome, first noticed in the 1920's.

She might have withstood the firestorm of '45, but some silly person left the door open.

In the GDR times, they left the pile of stones where they were as an antiwar monument. Reconstruction first started after the wall came down. Should be finished by next year or so.

2004-06-25 07:12:36 PM Godamnlimey

2004-06-25 07:15:24 PM danflurry

Thanks danflurry!

(p.s. I found Waldo.)


2004-06-25 07:46:39 PM GenghisBong

2004-06-25 07:49:12 PM GenghisBong

Aw crap sorry, I see it has been done.. oh well

2004-06-25 07:54:08 PM Jsimmons38040

What? No love for chtorran's entry? I thought it was really well done.

2004-06-25 07:55:24 PM stonent

Mad fish monger:

Castlevania. I knew it well!

2004-06-25 08:07:30 PM epoch

I live in Dresden too, and ironically enough, in the first picture, where the copper cuppola would have dropped would have crushed and killed me because I was there directly under it. I was thinking the same thing while they were raising it...if it falls, i am dead. Interesting to see my thoughts in Photoshop form on fark.

2004-06-25 08:13:29 PM CokedUpWerewolf

Mad fish monger

Props on the Castlevania reference. I remember cussing my NES out for overheating in Drac's castle in Castlevania III. I never got the password.... *sniffle*

2004-06-25 08:15:10 PM undefgeek

That's great Yammering_Splat_Vector, but shouldn't it read "Over 99 Million Saved"?

2004-06-25 08:15:42 PM godzillatemple


2004-06-25 08:19:38 PM ImmaculateCurtainrod

2004-06-25 08:26:53 PM Arcadius


Very nice, it looks real seamless!

2004-06-25 08:32:54 PM The Beast Master

2004-06-25 08:38:21 PM Beat


2004-06-25 08:40:25 PM eldoobie

2004-06-25 08:42:36 PM NAUCody

david hasselhoff people germans love david hasselhof!

2004-06-25 08:44:55 PM yuvalmal

2004-06-25 08:48:19 PM Binuru


Awesome, great reference.

2004-06-25 08:52:21 PM Godamnlimey

Yeah I know,it's a pretty shiatty rush job,your entry on the other hand was kick ass.

2004-06-25 09:58:43 PM Pindooca

I'm either really tired, or these are really great. :)

2004-06-25 10:21:19 PM agreywolf42

2004-06-25 10:24:06 PM EatTheWorld

GZT Well done! Neato!

2004-06-25 10:41:03 PM DammitDrag


2004-06-25 10:51:35 PM wotnartd

Jango: That rocks! I take my hat off to thee! Bravo.

2004-06-25 10:59:52 PM VWSpeedRacer



2004-06-25 11:39:12 PM jzedd

/A little messy. Sorry.
/I wonder if anybody will get this?

2004-06-25 11:42:01 PM Popedispencer

Just call me the request whore. Countrymen, lend me your pity votes

2004-06-25 11:42:14 PM noderat

2004-06-25 11:47:23 PM noderat

Props to jgm1976 for posting with the StayPuff man first, though I had to sit on mine for five hours untill my 24hr signup wait was over.

2004-06-25 11:55:21 PM george psalmanazar

the Frauenkirche wouldn't need a new top if the US army air force hadn't criminally carpet bombed this non-strategic city, populated with civilians and refugees with 3,907 tons of incendiary "fire-sticks" and GP bombs. between 25,000 to 135,000 dead.

/american war crimes

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